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冰球突破豪华版网页版团委组织学生干部学习习近平总书记考察Tsinghua University重要讲话

Release time: 2021-05-20 Author: Hits:

冰球突破豪华版网页版团委组织学生干部学习习近平总书记考察Tsinghua University重要讲话

2021年5月20日中午,校团委Student union学生干部于华茂楼102召开专题学习座谈会,集体收看新闻联播,学习习近平总书记考察Tsinghua University的重要讲话精神。Mr. Ren Xingyang, secretary of the Youth League Committee, led 34 student cadres to participate in the symposium。

Student leaders watched the news broadcast

The symposium was presided over by Sun Xiaosen, president of the Student Union。会议第一项,全体学生干部观看了4月19日习近平总书记参观Tsinghua University并发表重要讲话的新闻。在习近平总书记的讲话中,强调了党和国家事业发展对高等教育的需要,对科学知识和优秀人才的需要,比以往任何时候都更为迫切。China's higher education should base on the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the great changes unseen in the world in a century, and contribute to the service of national prosperity, national rejuvenation, and people's happiness。The majority of young people should shoulder the historical mission and strive to become a new era worthy of the important task of national rejuvenation。The incisive discussion of the general secretary is from a strategic perspective, guiding the direction, and is even more inspiring as the middle stream blows water。After watching, the students related the speech content to their own study and life, and expressed their inspiration and prospects for the future。

Here are some of the students' comments:

习总书记在参观Tsinghua University时首先参观Tsinghua University美术馆,他说道,把更多美术元素,艺术元素应用到城乡规划建设中,增强城乡审美韵味和文化品位,把美术成果更好地服务于人民群众的高品质生活需求。Strengthen cultural self-confidence。As an art student, I feel encouraged by the General Secretary's emphasis on art education and application, and hope that I and more people who love art can exert their expertise together, reflect our value in the construction of people's happy life, and make contributions to the construction of the motherland。习总书记与大学教授,Backbone teachers talk cordially,Listen carefully to the representatives of teachers and students at the symposium,The general Secretary's words are not only addressed to the hardworking gardeners and students,Especially to our students,The students of higher education come from us,These kind words let us feel the general secretary's care and expectation for education,It inspires us to uphold the school motto of "self-improvement and moral commitment",We will enhance our capacity for independent innovation,Proceed from practice,We are born in a golden age,Be under heavy responsibility,Become a new era to assume the responsibility of national rejuvenation。-- Gao Wanqian, Minister of Publicity Department 1902

Youth League Committee Secretary-General Song Qingyue spoke

Minister of Publicity High 1902 Wu Wanqian speech

在习总书记的讲话中,不仅让我看到了中国教育未来的方向,而且还深刻感受到了作为一名年轻学子身上的重任。We are facing the biggest change in a century, which is a great opportunity for our country to grow。Each and every one of us has to do our job,Dare to take responsibility,Be good at doing,stay true to the mission,Remember the mission,Shoulder the great responsibility of national rejuvenation,Always keep in mind "the great of the country",Firm ideals and convictions,To make their due contributions to the prosperity of the country, the rejuvenation of the nation and the happiness of the people!Although the world is not a peaceful place,The epidemic is raging.,Calamities abound,But the general Secretary's important speech gave us confidence and strength,Let us clear the direction of struggle,It strengthens our ideals and beliefs。As a high school student, I can only repay the motherland and the people with my own hard study。-- Minister of Public Relations Gao 1908 Zhu Chenyue

Minister of Public Relations high 1908 Zhuchenyue

Today, China is standing on the course of the new century, and Chinese youth need to assume their responsibilities and play their roles。After learning this speech, I understood the direction that a better university education should take, and I also understood the glorious mission to bear on myself。China is moving towards a prosperous, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful modern socialist country. In this process, I will practice my skills and work hard to improve my personal qualities and skills。We should not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, work hard, and have the courage to climb the peak。As a high school student, I strive to live up to the expectations of the Party and the people。-- Gao 1911 Shen Yunwu, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee

First, we are now facing an important new era node。In the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we have embarked on a new journey to build a modern socialist country。在此,习近平总书记对清华,对我们有着殷切的期许和要求,我们要心系祖国,怀着清华人的勇毅和担当,努力学习,思想进步。We must also continue to have the spirit of self-improvement, with the standards of Tsinghua people as the benchmark and self-requirements, hard work, brave to climb the peak, and make a contribution to the country, the nation and the people。-- Gao 1913 Chayi, Vice President of the Student Union

Gao 1913 Chayi, Vice President of the Students' Union, spoke

In the second part of the meeting, the ministers of various departments reviewed the planning and organization of the Student Festival, analyzed the advantages and disadvantages in detail, and provided detailed information and effective guidelines for the preparation of the next student leaders。

Liang Jiayi, Deputy Director of the Planning Department, summarized the work of the department responsible for the student festival

After the students are finished,Teacher Ren Xingyang mentioned in his speech,习近平总书记的讲话是对同学们的巨大鼓舞与鞭策,Students should bear in mind the General Secretary's exhortation to the contemporary youth,Conscientiously assume the great responsibility of national rejuvenation,Strengthen confidence in moving forward,Set up great ambition, Ming great virtue, great talent, great responsibility,Implement the General Secretary's requirements and expectations for the young generation in study and life,Strive to become a new era worthy of the task of national rejuvenation。

本次座谈同学们不仅在学习习近平总书记的讲话过程中有了自己的收获,感受到了每一位青年的责任感与使命感,还就近期工作和未来展望进行了细致踏实的分析和规划。I hope that the students should cherish their youth, learn and work hard, pursue excellence in climbing the peak of knowledge, act better than words when shouldering the heavy responsibility of The Times, adhere to the all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical beauty and labor, and strive to become the pillars of the construction of the motherland。

Text: Sun Xiaosen, Ren Xingyang

Photo: Ren Xingyang

Review: Dang Shengjun Li Shuxia Yang Rui

Edit: Administrative Management Center

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