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Party member Vanguard series - I am a party member, fighting "epidemic" silently

Release time: 2021-06-30 Author: Hits:

Party member Vanguard series - I am a party member, fighting "epidemic" silently

The wind is clear in March, and the rain moistens everything。In this protracted anti-epidemic work, there are such a group of people, they are like "invisible people", they do not often appear in everyone's vision, but always guard teachers and students, maintain the normal operation of the school。They are willing to work behind the scenes, silently dedicated, with their own "silent" work, serving the majority of teachers and students, supporting the front-line education and teaching work。Tsinghua Affiliated High School Party Member Pioneer series, approached four education staff from different departments, to see how they use their own resilience to move this short hardship。

First, Zhang Jiayu: "Cloud meet with you"

At one o 'clock in the morning, Zhang Jiayu, a post-90s party member teacher, opened the wechat reminder he had just received, asking colleagues about the use of the air school platform。As a system administrator of the Air School of Tsinghua High School, Zhang Jiayu has been assigned since the outbreak of the epidemic。In order to design a specific and feasible operation plan as soon as possible, he resolutely gave up his vacation and devoted himself to the front line of the "war" on the epidemic. Combined with the teaching needs of the school, he quickly formulated the implementation plan for the teaching platform support during the postponement of the semester。

In just a few days, he wrote detailed training materials and recorded a simple and easy to understand user guide micro-video to help teachers familiarize themselves with the use of the system as soon as possible, so that front-line teachers can rely on information means to independently carry out the teaching preparation during the postponement period。

The hidden "treasure platform" of the school, you know?

Usually, he doesn't talk much。In the online interview, when I asked him to share more of his own story, he said, "If you can, tell me more about our air school.。Less talk, more work!"

Skyschool web version

Over the years, in order to enrich the teaching methods and students' learning channels, Tsinghua High School has been committed to the development of air school system。Suddenly, in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic and ensure the safety of teachers and students, the school delayed the opening of the semester according to the requirements of higher authorities. Teachers of various disciplines recorded micro-courses, carried out online teaching on the air school system, and guided students to review independently。

Skyschool mobile version

After comparing the use of multiple platforms, frontline teachers all praised the Air School produced by Tsinghua Affiliated High School。At present, the vast majority of subjects in all grades of the school use the air school as the main online teaching platform。

A high school sophomore said, "I didn't expect the air school to become our real 'school' now."。If it were not for the prescience of the school, the effect of our learning under the epidemic would certainly be greatly reduced。Therefore, even in the face of difficulties, we must not be afraid, and believe that the virus will disappear and the cloud will eventually disperse!"

I think this is the greatest affirmation of teacher Zhang Jiayu's hard work!

He became the person with the most @ in the wechat group

Since the platform began to run, Zhang Jiayu has not dared to leave the computer for a moment。In order to answer teachers' questions, he has blurred the boundaries of his commute and is always on call。Due to the need to support and ensure the operation of the platform, teacher Zhang Jiayu can always rest after everyone else。"Recording classes need a quiet environment, some teachers have children at home, recording classes need to stay at night after the child falls asleep, and it is inevitable to seek help late at night when encountering technical problems.。”

Asked if he was not hard, Zhang Jiayu said: "As a party member, you must always stick to your job.。I hope the epidemic will pass soon and the students will return to class as soon as possible。It's worth it to make sure that day comes soon。”

Dong Wenbo: Waiting across the time difference

At the beginning of the online interview, Teacher Dong Wenbo's wechat profile picture caught my attention。It turned out to be the work of her 5-year-old son。

Come on Wuhan, come on China!

"When the epidemic was particularly severe in Beijing, Principal Li Wenping changed his profile picture to the national flag。The son was very excited to see the head of Li School, pointing to it and saying: The national flag!Flag!My head at that time had a small flag in the lower right corner, and he said that my love for the motherland was not big enough。Therefore, the children who could not write drew this "calligraphy and painting".。

Mr. Dong Wenbo is the deputy Director of the International Department and the head teacher of Grade 6。After receiving the notice from the school on January 23, she started the work of fighting against the new coronavirus without stopping, assisting the principal of the International Department to make statistics on all the teachers and students of the International Department。

The International Department has a wide age span and wide distribution of students, and a large proportion of the faculty and staff are foreign teachers。The complicated personnel composition makes the mapping and statistics work complicated。In order to facilitate the work of all class teachers as much as possible, she specially designed the mapping statistics template。As the epidemic has changed, so has the data and focus of the International Department。Every day, she carefully checks the data submitted by the 31 international classes and compares the data between different forms to ensure that each student's data is accurate。

Bilingual "Warm Set"

Most of the teachers in the International Department are foreign teachers, who usually learn about the epidemic through reading English news, and are not very familiar with the stories happening on the ground in China。Thus, Li Wenping, principal of the International Department, came up with the idea of "warm set"。After receiving instructions from Principal Li, Teacher Dong led the students to discover touching stories around them and on the Internet, and wrote a "warm collection" of stories in both Chinese and English, which were sent to foreign teachers every day during the epidemic period, conveying full of positive energy to foreign teachers。

The all-powerful "bosom sister"

Because of the holidays, foreign teachers are in different countries。Mr. Dong will keep in touch with the foreign teachers and help them at any time。During the emergency period, she played the role of "bosom sister" of foreign teachers。Some foreign teachers in Beijing home network is broken, Dong teacher to help them contact professionals to troubleshoot。Some foreign teachers did not understand the closure measures of schools and some restaurants, so she had to patiently explain to them and calm their emotions。For some foreign teachers who are alone in Beijing, she often chats with them and cares about them, so that foreign teachers who are in a foreign land will not be lonely。

一名外教说对董老师说:“The Chinese government and people should be commended on how well they have been able to keep the virus spreading to a minimum. The Chinese government and people should be commended for keeping the spread of the virus at a minimum。)

Whenever foreign teachers tell her that they feel at ease in China and have confidence in China, it is the most proud and touching time for her。

Dong Wenbo teacher said, "My father is a people's police, about to retire at the age of what do you do?。No matter how much work I do, I can't do as much as the frontline personnel。As a party member, this is what I should do。”

3. Wang Yanmin's Spring Festival "Epidemic Prevention War"

On January 18, the teachers and students of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University began their winter holiday as scheduled。Wang Yanmin, head of the school medical office, did not expect that this holiday would be so busy。

Go where there is epidemic, fight it till it perishes.

1月20日,习近平总书记对防控新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情作出重要指示。Professional sensitivities made her particularly concerned about the outbreak。She immediately began to surf the Internet to learn about the epidemic and keep an eye on the news。On January 21, she took the initiative to contact manufacturers, hoping to prepare epidemic prevention and disinfection supplies when the school started, in case of emergency。

From receiving the notice from the school on January 22 to today, she has been going all out to fight against the new coronavirus epidemic。

This is the day of family reunion, but she came to the school early, began to guide the guard to check and register the information of the school staff, and taught the security guard to correctly detect the temperature and disinfect the thermometer。Around the actual situation of the school, she formulated a series of practical rules and regulations, work plans and prevention and control plans。At the same time, she also needs to pay attention to the monitoring of returnees during the quarantine period, and the disinfection and treatment of isolation dormitories。Since receiving the task of epidemic prevention and control, she has never had a good meal with her family。

Small see spirit, ordinary see great

In order to prevent the further development of the epidemic, cutting off the route of transmission has become a top priority。The investigation of personnel by the superior department has expanded from the initial focus to the whole school。More than 4,000 students in the whole school, not one can be left behind, not one less!Especially for students who have contact history and need to focus attention, she calls them one by one to ask for details, records them in detail, and tracks their physical health every day。On one occasion, in order to accurately understand the situation of a student who needed to be screened, she repeatedly called the director and the relevant departments more than 20 times。

Build a strong defense line and protect the campus

Every day, she had to face the whole school teachers about information filling and epidemic prevention problems, the mobile phone from morning to night kept ringing。I also need to sort out the data submitted by the whole school with my colleagues in the medical office, summarize various reports, and report them according to the prescribed time。Every student, every data, she filled in carefully, patiently checked, and cross-checked。Never missed a report once。As the epidemic continues to develop, the requirements are becoming more and more specific。Wang Yanmin is so busy from morning to night that she has no time to eat。

"Take a piece of bread with you every morning when you go out, and take a few bites when you're hungry at work。Every night as the night wore on, she dragged her tired figure out of the deserted school。

As a "soldier in white", as a Communist Party member, Wang Yanmin said: "This is what I should do。In different positions in the prevention and control of the epidemic, everyone is contributing。I will take practical actions to fulfill my oath to join the Party and practice the original mission。”

Four, Liu Yangyang: And listen to the "clear voice"

Liu Yangyang is a Chinese teacher and head teacher in the International Department of Tsinghua High School. She is responsible for teaching Chinese in 3 grades and 4 levels。After the outbreak of the epidemic, she added another job - to follow up the students' departure and return to Beijing every day, and investigate the students' physical and psychological conditions。You can imagine the stress of the job。But she didn't seem to mind。She said: "These days, I always think about these two things: as a party member, what can I do directly for the epidemic?As a teacher, what kind of life traces should students leave during this period of time?”

The usual and the extraordinary

The International Department of Tsinghua High School has always attached great importance to Chinese teaching。As a Chinese teacher, she hopes to cultivate students' sense of responsibility and feelings through this special experience。After repeated discussions by the teachers, they finally decided to join the "regular and unusual" online epidemic thematic course in the first week of school。The epidemic thematic course covers a lot of content, from "speak with reason" and "express with emphasis on accumulation" to "have the thinking ability to distinguish right from wrong" and "take responsibility and feel for the family and country".。

"I want students to know that when they face difficulties, they should learn like a 'shelter brother' and arm themselves with books, because 'reading is a refuge that they can carry with them.'"

She also wants students to understand, "The era of blood and fire is far away from us, but the courage to face, the enthusiasm of trust, is no era should forget!"

"Where there is heat, there is light."

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Teacher Liu Yangyang has often been touched by the kindness of the children in the International Department。10th grade students launched the "love to help Wuhan action" fundraising;Grade 9 students provide free online English classes for students in Wuhan;Eighth grade students donated more than 1,000 medical masks...But the child only said: "Teacher, I did not do anything important ah, I think I should do this..."

As the instructor of the Chinese newspaper of the International Department,In order to let more people know the touching story of the teachers and students of the International Department during the epidemic,She organized clubs for students on the basis of the original Qingyin newspaper,Set up Qingyin public number detachment,Specializing in news coverage,It not only allows students to display their writing and design talents,The spirit and feelings of the international students will be passed on to more people。

Write the little book of life together

Through her Party branch, she also signed up for the volunteer activity project "Chia Student Youth - Beijing and Hubei Students Create Stories Community Activity". Together with other volunteers and teachers of Tsinghua Affiliated High School, she accompanied 15 junior high school students in Hubei to create a collection of life stories for a week。

As a collaborator and witness at the event, she said, "I teach children every day and enjoy being with them。My section starts this Thursday。I am very pleased to see the interaction between the children of Beijing and Hubei and their final works, and I see their common growth。”

Teacher Liu Yangyang said, "As a party member, my deeds are not vigorous, and can not be compared with the front-line heroes, I only hope that I seriously stick to my post, do not regret, and cooperate with the motherland and the heroes against the epidemic to successfully complete this campaign!"

"The dove is dedicated to the blue sky, the star is dedicated to the long night" although they can not save people from life and death, they silently contribute their own "light and heat", and interpret the original heart and responsibility of the party members with their own actions。

Text: Chu Luxing

Photo: Interviewed teacher

Editor: Chu Lu Xing

Review: Fang Yan Zhang Jie Party victory army

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