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Advanced deeds - Mortal hero spectrum, pay tribute to all the people of Tsinghua Affiliated High School who fought in the front line of education during the epidemic

Release time: 2021-06-30 Author: Hits:

Advanced deeds - Mortal hero spectrum, pay tribute to all the people of Tsinghua Affiliated High School who fought in the front line of education during the epidemic

Times create heroes, mortals perform feats;In the face of the pandemic, they are not retreating from their duties。

Party members are an influential banner, they lead the masses, unite the masses and influence the masses。At present, the majority of non-Party members of the faculty and staff in the attached school have come forward and volunteered to fight the epidemic together with party members and cadres。They worked together, united as one, gathered the strength of the whole school to build a "Great Wall of epidemic prevention", and interpreted the warm education and protection of ordinary people in epidemic prevention and control with practice。

The Party Committee of Affiliated High School carries forward the pioneer deeds, gives play to the power of example, and launches the pioneer series of Party members in the early stage。In this issue, the Party Committee of Affiliated High School takes you to listen to the story of the ordinary teaching staff in the school under the epidemic...

First, face the challenge, the original heart for the peach and Li Zhengyan - high school chemistry teacher Chen Xinfu

He is a special grade teacher of chemistry in Beijing, a discipline leader and an advanced educator, but this year, at the age of 54, he has encountered a "huge challenge" and a new start in his 30 years of teaching。

Mr. Chen Xinfu

"I believe that these difficulties can be overcome with my heart, and in order to meet students in the cloud and deliver high-quality classes, I must overcome challenges.。"As an older teacher,Chen Xinfu said frankly,"My eyes are blown,Type a little slow,Can't keep up with students' typing speed,Sometimes there is a lack of meaning;There are also more new online learning, software and platforms,For a moment I was dazzled,As a class preparation leader and a class teacher,I must be slow to fly first。”

In the face of the new network teaching form and complex teaching software, Mr. Chen made all the preparations in advance。Personally, he started early, more familiar, more application, firmly believe that can make perfect, in the face of many online teaching AIDS to try one by one, to find the most suitable for their own online teaching platform, a variety of recording lessons, video conferencing software constantly explore research。There was a problem when uploading a certain platform, a set of questions he uploaded nearly ten times before slowly mastering the skills, and then not only one person uploaded 16 sets of questions in high school, but also how to upload questions and add homework skills recorded into a video to other teachers, "I am happy to share technology and experience with you.。”

As the class preparation leader, he started to gather all the teachers for the first online lesson preparation on February 3。The chemistry lesson preparation team of senior one finished the recording of 8 video lessons totaling about 200 minutes in the first two weeks in advance, completed the preparation of 8 PPT for review lessons, 16 sets of review questions and answer analysis tasks。

Online teaching, just change a battlefield, but do not change is still the original intention of students。Now Chen has fully adapted to the current model,40 minutes is too long for an online class,He splits it into two parts to get the students' attention,Accept anonymous feedback from students,Emphasis on the difficult points repeatedly explain,Students who answer questions positively will be given a small red envelope to encourage them,These once distant network skills have come into his own。

Now he said, "In the emergency period, people's potential is unlimited, we will actively explore, constantly improve, and strive to ensure the quality of teaching.。Although the students are far away, but I through the small screen, but feel our hearts together, they seem to be sitting in front of my eyes, a pair of curious eyes listening to me talk about the mystery of chemistry。”

Second, the heart guard, play a good battle of the entrance exam - the third biological master Shu Shu

Fu has been studying and working in Beijing for ten years, and this is the first time for him to stay in Beijing for the Spring Festival。She said it was unfortunate that she encountered the epidemic, but fortunately she also stayed in Beijing, so that she could not adjust the situation and put into work at the first time。

Teacher Fu Shushu works from home

She said that this online teaching is both an opportunity and a challenge for students, and teachers also need to jump out of the original comfort zone, embrace new technologies, think about the teaching mode from a different Angle, understand the needs of students, and improve the effectiveness of online teaching。"In order to have a quiet environment to improve the effect of recording lessons, I generally finish recording lessons before 8 o 'clock in the morning every day, spend more time in the day to answer questions and correct homework, spend more time polishing course content, and guide students.。For one of her classes, she needs to determine the lesson preparation plan two weeks in advance and prepare about 7,000 words of manuscript before each recording to ensure that the most comprehensive and accurate content is presented to students。

Leaving the traditional classroom, Fu Shushu pays more attention to the innovation of online teaching. In the design of teaching content, she constantly thinks about how to mobilize students' learning enthusiasm and how to integrate reality into students' schoolwork。For example, she combines biology teaching with epidemic prevention and control, making students more deeply aware of the importance of current epidemic prevention and control, which not only increases students' social responsibility, but also stimulates their interest in biology learning。

Students' mentality affects the effect of online learning to some extent。With the development of online courses, some students' fatigue gradually increased, and their learning initiative declined. She encouraged students to adjust their mentality and be positive, and in this process, she was recognized by students and parents。

Students to Fu teacher's thanks

The biggest difference between online learning and school learning is that group fighting becomes individual fighting。As a head teacher, she on the one hand told the children to be at home to ensure safety, on the other hand, re-use the study group, online to create a "we are together" environment, the children's hearts tightly together, so that everyone is full of motivation to move forward hand in hand。She hopes that the children through this special period, hard to learn knowledge, arm themselves, strong themselves, in the future when the motherland needs us, can become the person worth relying on!

Third, meditation teaching, mission in the shoulder - third grade physics teacher Qi Liping

In this special period, the first thing that teacher Qi Liping wakes up every day and the last thing before going to bed is to see if any students ask questions。During this period, students' work and rest were not fixed, and she often answered students' questions late at night for fear of missing every child's information。

Teacher Qi Liping

On January 26, Qi Liping learned that the school may not be able to open as scheduled, she is the class preparation leader, must be fully prepared in advance。According to the arrangement before the holiday and the actual situation of school teaching, she called the teachers of the lesson preparation group to fully discuss, and made detailed overall arrangements for the content of home learning at this stage with reference to the plan of Teacher Yang Pan in the group。Because can not teach new lessons, Qi teacher in guiding students at home review above spent the thought, specific to every day knowledge points and guide students to make mind maps, special points, etc。After making a good plan, she understood the difficulties of the teachers in the group in home teaching, and arranged different work contents according to the characteristics of different teachers, and finally ensured that everyone successfully completed various preparatory work for online teaching。

With the preliminary preparation, she improved the method on the basis of the first stage, summed up the experience, and improved the effect of online courses。She called the teachers of the lesson preparation team to strengthen collective lesson preparation. In addition to video lesson preparation once a week, they prepared lessons at any time in the wechat group, and everyone communicated with each other to learn from each other。

"As an old teacher, I do have technical weakness, the initial selection of software due to the middle of the error needs to be re-recorded, which for me to eat a lot of pain, I will re-record again and again, the pursuit of perfection, until the mouth dry, anxious fire, this record will be nearly a day.。I would like to thank the young teachers in the group, they have shared a lot of experience and software with me, and in them, I also see innovation and dedication。In the interview, Qi teacher frequently affirmed that the young teachers in the group were united together and worked tirelessly to make the course so smooth。Multi-level learning content, only to meet the needs of different students, so that the effect of home learning to achieve optimization。

Student feedback

As a teacher, she understands the needs of every student and knows the current psychology of students. In order to motivate students and establish firm confidence, she often communicates with students from the heart, and encourages students online in the form of a letter to dispel their uneasy and panic hearts。

A letter from Mr. Qi to his students

Letters to students:

The teacher wants to share a story with you。Living in the present moment, everyone is carrying a heavy cross and moving forward slowly and hard。On the way, a man felt that the cross was too heavy, so he cut off a piece of the cross with a knife。After a while, he still felt that the cross was too heavy, so he chipped off another piece of it。After cutting off, he walked with a lot of ease, and his step lightened up, surpassing some people。In this way, when he thought he could easily become the first, there was a big gully ahead。However, having smartly cut off a part of the cross, he could only stay in place and regret it。

At present, the classroom we are learning is forced to move from school to home, from the form of collective learning to individual learning alone, and the biggest test for everyone at this time is: how disciplined you can be!After the epidemic, those with self-discipline will become more and more excellent, while those without self-discipline will lag behind。

In 1665, while studying at university, Newton also went to the countryside to avoid the plague and self-quarantine。But it was during these quiet years of solitude that his creative powers reached their peak。The famous story of the apple falling on Newton's head also happened during this time。

Today, you study quietly at home, maybe the peak of creativity, maybe the next Newton is you!

4. Teaching students according to their aptitude and teaching effectively -- Zhou Jun, a math teacher in Grade Two

Zhou Jun is the math teacher of Class 10 and Class 12 of Grade 2, and also serves as the leader of the math lesson preparation for Grade 2。During the "no suspension" period, how to meet the learning needs of different types of students is the biggest problem Zhou teacher encountered。

Teacher Zhou Jun works from home

In order to ensure that the quality of mathematics routine teaching in grade two of high school is not affected by the epidemic,Ms. Zhou leads the math preparation group of Grade Two,Strengthen collective lesson preparation,Adjust the teaching plan,Carefully design the teaching content,Record the daily lecture video carefully,And do every day the students submit homework all the batch,Students who have difficulty in learning mathematics answer questions on wechat in time,No matter how late the question time,They're patient, they're detailed, they answer questions。

Miss Zhou answered the students' questions

In order to ensure the original learning progress of students with a good foundation of mathematics, Teacher Zhou and Teacher Li Jinsong prepared a slightly more difficult math improvement handout, which was taught every Monday, selected exercises, and encouraged students to discuss with each other and share good problem-solving methods。Every week, Mr. Zhou Jun will write down the questions that students have questions about, write down the detailed solution process, take photos and send them to the class wechat group。Although he and the students can not meet, but the heart of learning mathematics is always connected。

Bu Jiamu, from Class 10, Grade 2, shares her problem-solving methods in the class wechat group every week

Through the efforts of the whole group of teachers of the math lesson preparation group of Grade Two, the math class of grade Two is progressing smoothly and steadily, and there is no need to increase the class hours after the beginning of the semester。

In addition to preparing lessons carefully and undertaking his own teaching tasks, Mr. Zhou Jun also made efforts to make a contribution to the teaching work of the third and third grade graduating classes of the school. He gave two lectures on problem-solving ideas and strategies specifically for the graduating class. The students responded very well and said that they gained a lot from it。

Teacher's ethics, love, the beginning of the heart like rock - English teacher Zhang Qian

"As a class teacher and grade leader, I not only strengthened the guidance of children's study and life, and the contact with parents, but also coordinated the communication with teachers, so that the children's home life is not lonely, the parents' home life is more practical, and the teachers' home teaching is more smooth.。We hope that with the efforts of all students, parents and teachers, we can have a fulfilling, interesting and positive home life together!"

Teacher Zhang Qian works from home

During the "no school suspension" period, children have less time to meet and interact with other classmates。To let children know that "you are not alone.,Let's work together.",Teacher Zhang Qian implemented the class cadre responsibility system in the class ,The class leader is the group leader,Volunteer to form action groups of three or four people,Voice or video communication about their study and life,The teacher based on the feedback of each group,Pay attention to students who need help。Mr. Zhang also held "Peace - I am very good, you.?"Online theme class meeting class, students through the shooting of creative videos, tell everyone:" I am very good at home, you.?Come on, Wuhan!Come on China!"Let the students feel the power of the class, and keep their "hearts" together。

The kids' first online class meeting

Before the "non-stop school suspension" began, teachers Zhang Qian and Wujidan communicated with parents about the next learning and living arrangements and gave some suggestions through online parent-teacher meetings and class meetings。During the teaching period, in order to better understand the situation of children's home learning, Teacher Zhang Qian and Teacher Ujidan started the first parent survey on the form of class, students' classroom listening, students' eye exercises and physical exercise, and adjusted the direction and focus of work at any time according to the situation of independent home learning。After learning about parents' concerns about their children's eyesight and exercise, we promptly contacted teacher Zhang Jiayu of the space class and opened the function of reminding eye exercises。Overcome the difficulties together, we work together!

Six, "epidemic" road stick, wait for flowers full campus - General Affairs director Wei Bing

Guard Affiliated High School, looking forward to meeting with you in the beautiful campus after the epidemic。

He said I was just one of the many people in logistics who were on the front line,Epidemic prevention and control,The attached support staff are on the front line,They all bear the greatest risk,Sacrifice oneself for school,sensible,Take the overall situation into consideration,Do a good job of comprehensive campus hygiene and disinfection every day,Do a good job of isolation services for returning staff,Keep the soil responsible, keep the soil responsible, keep the soil responsible。

Wei Bing teacher in the quarantine area to pay attention to the situation of returning teachers

On the third day of the New Year, the general affairs office of the school received the task of epidemic prevention and control, and the school became Director Wei's home, and he put up a bed in the office, because he always could not rest assured that the teachers who returned to school were quarantined, for fear that there would be emergencies at night。After receiving the task of epidemic prevention and control at the school, he immediately began to actively respond。He understood the needs of the school, took the initiative to contact many parties, and purchased masks, alcohol disinfectant, temperature measuring guns, etc。The North China Building of the school is the isolation area of the school's returning personnel, and it is also the focus of Director Wei's responsibility, he comes and goes here every day, and the teachers on duty there are on duty together to implement the details of the isolation dormitory, not only to ensure the life needs of the returning teachers, but also to provide the necessary disinfection items。"Providing services to school teachers,Logistics air culture,It has been under the leadership of President Xie,Our pursuit of goals,So small enough to fetch water from time to time for each teacher,Deliver meals on time,Change bedding,And told them to take their temperature regularly and report it,These trifles are small,It is a health event for every teacher during the epidemic。”

Every general staff is fighting on the front line during the epidemic, which is the most touched but also the most worried thing for Wei Bing。Every teacher in the office overcame family difficulties and insisted on working at school during the epidemic. Among them, the child in Ms. Sun's family was just 7 months old, and Ms. Li Baoxia lived far away, so it was very difficult to travel back and forth during the epidemic, but they still ran between school and family every day。Director Wei said he was not a person to fight, everyone for the school home, fighting on the front line, and their health protection has become his biggest concern for a long time。

As General Affairs Director, campus service is always his greatest responsibility。During the epidemic, under the arrangement of leaders, he led 6 employees to disinfect and clean all public places and areas such as classrooms and offices of the school。He is still leading everyone to clean up all the health of the campus, still pruning and maintaining the trees and flowers that love in the heart, walking through the campus every day, looking at everything calm, he believes that these sticks will eventually wait for the gorgeous spring。He wants to keep this most beautiful campus, looking forward to the spring scenery and the pure smiling face。

7. The epidemic does not retreat, stick to it, and serve with feelings -- General staff member Xing Zhijiang

"They return to the high school is back to their own home, I want to do a good job for our own teachers, during the epidemic, but also to feel the warmth of home, the care of the school.。Xing Zhijiang teacher is also an ordinary teacher in the school's general affairs work, but he has been staying in the North China building of the school for nearly two months at night。From the moment he received the school task on the third day of the New Year, he was stationed in the North China Building for nearly two months, responsible for the night work of the school isolation teacher service, providing services for every teacher who returned to school isolation, so that they could have a peaceful night sleep。

Teacher Xing Zhijiang is on duty in the quarantine area

Xing Zhijiang works from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. the next morning. Because he is responsible for the isolation of the returning teachers, he has no sleep at night. He stays awake at night for fear that any teacher will contact him in an emergency。According to the requirements, each teacher who returns to school and quarantined will be quarantined in the North China Building for 14 days。During this period, there were many teachers who came back from other places late at night. Some teachers were delayed, so they waited in the hall of the North China Building for four or five hours, and some teachers arrived at school only at one or two in the morning。Before check-in, according to the requirements, you need to take your temperature, fill in a detailed journey table, health table, and then issue a series of health and disinfection supplies to the teachers who come back, so that two or three hours have passed, and it is a night without rest。

At the worst of the epidemic, Beijing is particularly cold, public transportation is also affected by the epidemic, Xing, who lives in the West second Banner, set out at four o 'clock in the afternoon, riding a bicycle to and from school and home, masks can not resist the cold wind, an hour's journey has already been frozen。But the first thing he did when he got to school was to check if there were warm POTS in front of the teachers' doors。According to the regulations, the teacher isolation is not allowed to go out, so the school teacher on duty unified for its life services, he was afraid of which teacher lack of hot water, service in place, in order to let the teacher at ease。In the evening, he routinely performs daily UV disinfection to ensure the disinfection and hygiene of the isolated area。The next morning, at seven o 'clock, he went to the teachers to get food, delivered to the door of each teacher, knocked on the door and asked to go out as soon as possible and leave after dinner。Always put everything in order, he was at ease to leave for home, this time home, almost noon time。

His phone added the wechat accounts of each quarantined teacher and noted their room numbers。He said that there is nothing else, that is, he can arrive at the first time when teachers are in need, and sometimes when some teachers have express delivery and takeout, he can provide better help to teachers。

During this period, his wife's eyes conjunctivitis, he could not accompany it to the hospital。Although I feel guilty, he said that I am not alone in the fight, I am responsible for many isolated teachers, school leaders will come to care about these teachers every day, and accompany me to stick here, I can not disappoint this trust and trust!

Different positions, the same dedication;Different choice, the same stick。Ordinary they watch in the education post, although there is no bold words, no earth-shattering cause, but in the epidemic with their own strength to shine, warm our original heart。The people of Affiliated High School strive for self-improvement, fight the epidemic with one heart, and compose the most simple music of educators。

Text: Yang Ruigao Hongchao

Photo: Interviewed teacher

Review: Fang Yan Zhang Jie Party victory Jun Yang Rui

Office Tel: 62784695

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